Highly Successful Entrepreneur
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Health Care , Best Innovative Entrepreneur - Health Care , Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Health Care
Best Young Entrepreneur - Professional Service
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Marketing & Advertising
Best Young Entrepreneur - Real Estate
Best Innovative Entrepreneur - Travel & Toursim , Best Technology Entrepreneur - Travel & Toursim , Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Travel & Toursim
Best Serial Entrepreneur - Food & Beverages , Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Food & Beverages
Best Technology Entrepreneur - Travel & Toursim
Best Young Entrepreneur - Retail
Best Technology Entrepreneur
Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Finance
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Manufacturing
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Real Estate
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Hospitality
Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Manufacturing
Best Emerging Entrepreneur - Professional Service
Best Innovative Entrepreneur - Music , Highly Successful Entrepreneur - Music
Best Young Entrepreneur - Marketing & Advertising
Best Innovative Entrepreneur - Information Technology
Golden Entrepreneur Awards recognise and reward the excellent performing Entrepreneurs from 20+ industries around the world.
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